Your Support
Give kids a chance to succeed and they will amaze you. That’s what Horizons at USN is all about; we believe all children, regardless of income, deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential. And we need the support of the Nashville community to make these opportunities possible.
Horizons at University School of Nashville is self-funded, deriving 100% of its revenue from generous charitable giving by individuals, foundations, family trusts, community organizations, and corporations.
We Believe in the Promise of the Opportunity for all Children
When you support Horizons, you're supporting a dream:
Promise Circle – $5 to $249
Opportunity Circle – $250- $499
Achievement Circle – $500- $999
Scholar Circle – $1,000- $4,999
Leadership Circle – $5,000 and above
Horizons students come back year after year. Your gift can too. Make an ongoing commitment through the Horizons Scholars Fund:
Partial Scholarship for One Scholar: $1,500/year
Full Scholarship for One Scholar: $3,000/year